import sys import os import platform import colorama from colorama import Fore, Back, Style colorama.init() print(Fore.BLUE + "eCLI on " + Fore.RED + platform.system(),platform.machine()) print(Fore.BLUE + "Type " + Fore.RED + "help" + Fore.BLUE + " for help.") print(" ") while True: command = input(Fore.BLUE + "eCLI>" + Fore.GREEN + " ") if command == "exit": print("Goodbye!") sys.exit() elif command == "clear": if == "nt": os.system("cls") else: os.system("clear") elif command == "pcinfo": print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") print(Fore.RED + "Computer Name: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.node()) print(Fore.RED + "Computer Type: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.machine()) print(Fore.RED + "Computer Arch: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.architecture()[0]) print(Fore.RED + "Computer OS: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.system()) print(Fore.RED + "Computer OS Version: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.version()) print(Fore.RED + "Computer OS Release: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.release()) print(Fore.RED + "Computer OS Platform: " + Fore.GREEN + platform.platform()) print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") elif command == "help": print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") print(Fore.RED + "eCLI Help") print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") print(Fore.RED + "pcinfo" + Fore.GREEN + " - Displays information about the computer") print(Fore.RED + "info" + Fore.GREEN + " - Displays information about eCLI") print(Fore.RED + "help" + Fore.GREEN + " - Displays this help menu") print(Fore.RED + "clear" + Fore.GREEN + " - Clears the screen") print(Fore.RED + "exit" + Fore.GREEN + " - Exits the program") print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") elif command == "info": print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") print(Fore.RED + "eCLI Info") print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") print(Fore.RED + "Version: " + Fore.GREEN + "1.0") print(Fore.RED + "Author: " + Fore.GREEN + "@AleksanderGPL") print(Fore.RED + "Github: " + Fore.GREEN + "") print(Fore.YELLOW + "=============================================================") else: print(Fore.RED + "Unknown command: " + Fore.GREEN + command) print(Fore.BLUE + "Type " + Fore.RED + "help" + Fore.BLUE + " for help.") print(" ")