import json import http.client global tg def tgconfigcheck(): try: with open('telegram.json', 'r') as file: global tg tg = json.load(file) print("\033[1;32;40mToken: " + tg['token']) print("Chat ID: " + tg['chatid'] + "\n") except: print("\033[1;31;40mFile telegram.json is incorrect or missing. Running configuration") token = input("\033[1;34;40mTelegram Bot Token: ") chatid = input("Telegram Chat ID: ") with open('telegram.json', 'w') as file: json.dump({'token': token, 'chatid': chatid}, file) print("Configuration saved.") tgconfigcheck() tgconfigcheck() message = input("Message: ").replace(" ", "+") print("\033[1;33;40mSending message to Telegram...") (http.client.HTTPSConnection('').request ('GET', f'/bot{tg['token']}/sendMessage?chat_id={tg['chatid']}&text={message}'))